Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie (2017)
Based on the bestselling book series, this outrageous comedy tells the story of George and Harold, two overly imaginative pranksters who hypnotize their principal into thinking he’s an enthusiastic, yet dimwitted, superhero named Captain Underpants.
Release Date: June 2, 2017
146 Movie Reviews
- It's not PERFECT so I give it a rating of 4
- I have read all the Captain Underpants books and this movie was a great adaptation.The animation was perfect and i loved it.
- i love it so much i love it
- cool
- This is a great movie! I myself am a very big fan of Dav Pilkey, You would expect this to be a normal superhero movie, but- TRA-LA-LAA! It is a great movie! I love the books more, but I still love the movie! I think they could make the animation a little bit better, But this is a great movie! Please watch it!
- This movie is so funny! It is a mix of the first captain underpants book, the second and the 4th one. Watch this movie if you LOVE the captain underpants series!
- Captain Underpants Has Been My Childhood In 2017 When I Read The Book For The First Time During In The 4th Grade.
- Mark over 4 yearsThe movie is incredible Captain Underpants is so cool I like how they made a song out of Captain Underpants The Send it
- Layanover 4 yearsI love the movie 🎥
- this movie was good.