This movie is a really good watch. It can be really violent and inappropriate at times, but it is really exciting and suspenseful. Ben Affleck made a really good Batman as he really had the proper facial expression- as if he really was Batman. (same with Henry Cavill as Superman and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman) This movie really had a creative twist to it and made it way more interesting. But I have to admit that Jesse Eisenberg was a funny choice for Lex Luthor and he looked a lot more like the Joker (Joker is Batman's fiend). I think the best part was when Wonder Woman finally showed her true identity (check it out). Her entrance was amazing! And I think the worst part was the inappropriate part (not naming it). But overall, the movie was amazing!!! It is definitely worth 5 stars!
Fun Fact- Gal Gadot (actress that portrayed Wonder Woman in Batman vs. Superman Dawn of Justice) had to gain an extra 8 pounds of muscle to star in this role. But it was definitely worth it!